A New Role for Supercomputing Centers in Open Science

In the last decades an exponential increase of the scientific and technical development in all the areas of science has become manifest, being more and more relevant the conflicts between the pure scientific advance of the society and the property of the researched knowledge. Particularly the brake that certain aspects of the established system suppose in the acquisition of some findings. The ever demanding scientific community aims for new platforms and services up to date in order to diminish the inconveniences that have arisen due this same growth. The guidelines provided by the Open Science (OS), despite being a concept already discuss for some time, set out the perfect framework for the creation of new applications and platforms in which the research centers might take over from the responsibility exercised so far by the publishers to allocate resources for disclosure and distribution without replace them. In particular Open Access (OA), Open Data (OD) and Open Methodologies (OM) are the guidelines that can fit the most in the current tasks performed by supercomputing and research centers where availability, reliability and security are concepts well implemented already and can be very powerful skills to them in order to step in the spotlight in this new framework which is OS. In the other hand, while universities and publishers can be tempted by recognition and self promotion at the time of deciding whether a job can benefit them or not, the public supercomputing centers, that are already providing services for both private and public projects, working in the same direction and as a set, could be considered more objectives. In this paper it is proposed a path to follow by the supercomputing centers, within the framework of European Open Science, to share resources with the aim of providing an adequate infrastructure for the development of scientific research, adding to their current competences the ability to become neutral ground for scientific disclosure.
Luis Ignacio Jiménez, Jesús Calle-Cancho, David Cortés-Polo and José Luis González Sánchez. A New Role for Supercomputing Centers in Open Science. IBEGRID 2018. Lisbon, Portugal. October 2018.
- COMPUTAEX presenta una ponencia en el congreso internacional IBERGRID 2018 [CénitS].