COMPUTAEX Foundation

Computing and Advanced Technologies Foundation of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX) and willingly of the Junta de Extremadura, as founding institution, was established as an organization in nature non-profit foundation.
Incorporated and registered in the Register of Foundations of Autonomous Community of Extremadura, has legal personality and full capacity to act and can make, therefore, all acts necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was created.
Object and aims
The Foundation’s aim is to promote the development of information technologies, the use of intensive computing and advanced communications as tools for sustainable socioeconomic development, encouraging the participation of civil society mobilising their resources and paying special attention to co-operation between public and private research centres and the productive sector.
The Foundation’s main objective is to create, operate and manage CenitS the Extremadura Supercomputing, Technological Innovation and Research Center.
To achieve its goals the Foundation intends to carry out a number of essential activities, including the following:
- To promote, establish and manage the Extremadura Supercomputing, Technological Innovation and Research Center.
- To encourage the development of research projects and technological development.
- To provide computing capacity, communications and technical support to users through the equipment available at the Foundation.
- To help with the transfer of calculation research results between public research centres and companies.
- To operate and share technologies developed by the Foundation.
- To promote the cooperation between companies and institutions.
- To promote and collaborate in the organisation of courses, seminars and meetings.
- To compile and edit books, magazines or multimedia material related to the Foundation’s objectives.
- To seek and obtain resources for the development of its activities.
- To contribute to the development and strengthening of the competitiveness of the research communities in Extremadura and the business sector.
- To provide technological services where required to organisations and companies in the area of supercomputing.
- Any other activity considered relevant to the Foundation’s objectives.
The Governing Council of the Junta de Extremadura, at its meeting held on February 6th 2009, approved the resolution to authorise the establishment of the Computing and Advanced Technologies Foundation of Extremadura (hereafter referred to as COMPUTAEX).
The Articles of incorporation were granted on March 24th 2009 with the aims, objectives and activities specified in their statutes.
COMPUTAEX was recorded in the Register of Foundations of Extremadura on April 27th 2009 (board), under the General Telecommunications and Information Society Directorate of the Department of Economy, Trade and Innovation.
In March 2010, the Foundation became dependent on the General Directorate of Science and Technology of the Department of Economy, Trade and Innovation (board).
In July 2011, the restructuring of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura Government made COMPUTAEX depend on the General Modernization and Technological Innovation Directorate, belonging to the Department of Employment, Enterprise and Innovation of the Government of Extremadura (board).
In October 2012, with the aim of coordinating the process of formation and implementation of the Science and Technology Research Centre in Extremadura (CICYTEX), created by the 10/2010 Law of Science, Technology and Innovation of Extremadura, the functions of the General Modernization and Technological Innovation Division are attributed to the General Secretariat of Employment and Entrepreneurial Activity, which is now called General Secretariat of Employment, Business Activity and Technological Innovation, from which COMPUTAEX became dependent (board).
In August 2013, according to the 135/2013 Decree of 30 July, COMPUTAEX Foundation subscribes to the General Secretariat of Science and Technology (board).
Decree 262/2015 of August 7 assigned the competences of the Department Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation, to the Department of Economy and Infraestructures of the Junta de Extremadura. COMPUTAEX became dependent on the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (board).
Decree 16/2019 of July 1, modified the denomination and competences of the previous department to the Department of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda,, and the COMPUTAEX Foundation became dependent on the General Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation and University (patronato).